Privacy Policy

Last updated: 5 September 2023

Your trust is very important to us. This means The Black Dyspraxic (referred to as “We”, “Our” or “US” in this policy), is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. It is important that you read this policy so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information.

This privacy policy describes how we collect and use your personal data, who we may share your personal data with, what we do to keep your personal data secure, as well as the rights you have over your personal data, during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with Data Protection Law.  

Throughout this policy when we refer to Data Protection Law, this means the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and any legislation implemented in connection with the aforementioned legislation. This includes any replacement legislation coming into effect from time to time.

Who is the Data Controller? 

The Black Dyspraxic is the “data controller” of the personal data processed when using the website and our services. This means that The Black Dyspraxic decides what the personal data is used for, and the ways in which it is processed. For the avoidance of doubt, personal data will be collected and processed solely for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. As the data controller, we have the responsibility to comply and demonstrate compliance with, Data Protection Law. 

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO) with the registration number [ZB590361]

You can contact us by email.

What will The Black Dyspraxic collect and how we will use it? 

We will only collect the personal data that we require in accordance with the Data Protection Law.  

We may collect and process the following personal data about you. 

  • Your full name

  • Your contact details, such as your phone number, postal address, email address

  • Your age

  • Your image

  • Your gender

  • Data concerning your health, such as disability status and medical condition

  • Data concerning your race and ethnicity

Lawful basis for processing the personal data.

Under Data Protection Law, the lawful bases we rely on for processing your personal data are:

  • Your consent, which you can withdraw at any time 

  • Our legal obligation when processing data in order to meet our legal requirements.

  • Our legitimate interest to ensure that we provide a good service and improve our services and the website.

When we process your sensitive data, such as ethnicity and health data, we will only process this with your explicit consent. 

We will collect your personal for the following purposes:

  • Research consultancy

  • When managing events

  • Content creation

  • Providing testimonials

  • Subscribing to our mailing list

  • Improving our services

  • Improving the website

Do we share personal data with third parties? 

From time to time, we may share your personal data with third parties, such as Data Processors. 

For the avoidance of doubt, personal data will be collected and processed solely for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. As a data processor, they will also have a responsibility to protect your personal data and to demonstrate compliance with Data Protection Law. They will not share your personal data with any organization apart from us or further sub-processors who must comply with our Data Processor Agreement. They will hold your personal data securely and only retain it for the period we instruct. We have Data Processor Agreements in place with all our data processors. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal data unless we have instructed them to do it.

We might also share personal data with the following:

  • If the law or a public authority says we must share the personal data.

  • If we need to share personal data in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal.

  • From time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealing with certain processes necessary for the operation of the website. However, all the information we share will be collected and anonymized, so neither you, your child nor any of your devices can be identified from it.

We will not share your personal data with any third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

How we keep your data secure.

The security of your personal data is of great importance to us and to protect the data we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the personal data. 

We take security measures to protect your personal data including:

  • Implementing access controls to your personal data

  • Using appropriate procedures and technical security measures (including strict encryption, anonymization and archiving techniques) to safeguard your personal data across all our computer systems, networks, websites, mobile apps and offices.

  • Never ask you for your passwords.

Retaining personal data.

We retain a record of your personal data in order to provide you with high quality and consistent service. We will always retain your personal data in accordance with Data Protection Law and never retain your personal data for longer than is necessary 

Your personal data will be stored in the UK and EEA. If your data is processed outside the UK and the EEA, we will ensure that it is protected to the same standards as if it were being processed within the UK and EEA.

Your rights and more information.

You have rights over your personal data under Data Protection Law. This includes the following rights:

  • You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. You can exercise this right by visiting our website privacy policy, which we regularly review and update to ensure that they are accurate and reflect our data processing activities.

  • You have the right to access your personal data by making a request (also known as a “Subject Access Request”). You can request a copy of the personal data The Black Dyspraxic stores about you.

  • You have the right to rectify your personal data if you believe the personal data, we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. 

  • You have the right to ask for the personal data we collect about you to be deleted. This is not an absolute right and only applies in certain circumstances. 

  • You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data, for example, if you want to contest the accuracy of the data, we hold about you. We will still store the personal data but not use it. This is not an absolute right and only applies in certain circumstances. 

  • You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal data to you or to another organization, in certain circumstances.  

  • You have the right to object to the processing of some or all the personal data we hold about you. This is only an absolute right if we use your personal data for direct marketing. However, it may not apply in other circumstances where we have a compelling reason to process your personal data in this way, i.e., when it is our legal obligation. 

You can contact us using the details provided above if you wish to exercise your rights, have questions or wish to find out more details about your rights. 

If you wish to raise a concern about the way The Black Dyspraxic has handled your personal data or you are dissatisfied with our response, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), as they are the UK supervisory authority and they can be contacted at:

 However, we hope that you would consider raising any issue or complaint you have with us first. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us, and we will always do our very best to solve any problems you may have.